Il be honest, Taking Woodstock is a pretty weird film. I didn't look at any trailers or any websites like IMDB, just went to see the film at my local cinema and hoped for the best.
I was by no means dissapointed by Taking Woodstock, don't get me wrong, its not a bad film...its just really random and weird. Well, seeing as I got in 10 mins late, with everyone staring at me whilst I went over to a seat, I may have missed something cruical at the start.
From what I had gathered from the hour and a half I saw, it was about a young hippie, living with his parents who are poor, running their own shabby hotel and trying to find some money from anywhere they can. Now this is the bit I didn't catch on to; their son decides to set up a festival in a nearby farm, where over 100,000 people are expected to arrive (thus generating the money they need through hotel stayers and the cuts they get from the tickets sold).
Halfway through the film, you watch the quite comical mother of the main character (Sonia Teichberg played by Imelda Staunton), setting up their hotel to be as stingey as possible and gain as much dosh as they can.
I don't want to ruin the movie that much for you, but I don't see Taking Woodstock as one of those films you will ever remember. I found it to be such a weird film as I'm not that fond of hippie lifestyles, but nevertheless found it enjoyable. There are some funny scenes in Taking Woodstock, thrown in with some random scenes that you just won't get. I personally also found that Taking Woodstock finished too early! It was as though it was cut so short because they just ran out of ideas!
Taking Woodstock is a good film, but by no means great. The film, to be released on 13th November 2009, will be in the week when 2012 and Harry Brown are too. Taking Woodstock should be swept under the cover when 2012 is going to be released, I'm expecting a superb film!!
Taking Woodstock, gets a weird and whacky 3 out of 5.
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